Seeding went smoothly, and all the crop got in the ground with only a few rain delays. The spray season was made difficult with rain, wind and cool temperatures. Crops grew slowly due to moisture stress and lack of heat. Unluckily for us, wild oats LOVED these conditions. Some management strategies that we found worked well this year to control them included:
1) Two pass of wild oat herbicides in wheat – this is not a strategy for every wheat acre but can be beneficial in fields with high wild oat pressure. First pass was done early (2-3 leaf), followed by a second pass just prior to flag leaf. When using this method, it is important to rotate your herbicides. If you use group 2 first pass, use group 1 second pass or vice versa. Depending on broadleaf pressure, the broadleaf herbicide can be included in either the first OR second pass. Wondering if this is a management technique that could be useful on your farm? Talk to an agronomist at Prairie Giants to discuss further!
2) Soil applied products – Avadex, Edge, and Fortress proved again to be invaluable tools in combating wild oat resistance.
3) Insight – A group 14 (tiafenacil) pre-burn registered in front of wheat and soybeans that controls 1-leaf wild oats.