Agronomy Updates

Updates from Prairie Giants agronomists on what they are seeing in the field.

Wheat Midge

July 2, 2024

Kochia Management
At one time in Manitoba, kochia was only a southern problem but has now spread farther north due to warmer weather and increased growing degree days[1]. The weed can now easily be found in majority of our area, especially south of Inglis...

 Calculating Cereal Seeding Rates & Interpreting Seed Tests

Calculating Cereal Seeding Rates & Interpreting Seed Tests
There are many reasons why we promote using certified seed – guaranteed quality, free of weed seeds, and access to the newest genetics/traits. With that being said...

2023 Season in Review
Although there were challenges, the 2023 season was also full of celebration; celebrating 10 years in business, good yields under challenging growing conditions, and all the small victories in between...

Verticillium stripe

August 29, 2023
Verticillium stripe is quickly becoming more evident in canola fields throughout Manitoba, and the rest of the prairies. It is a soil-borne fungal disease, like Clubroot, caused by the pathogen Verticillium longisporum...

Soil Microbiomes

August 22, 2023
Did you know that one handful of soil has more living organisms than the population of Earth? The soil microbiome is all the microorganisms within the soil and includes, but is not limited to, bacteria...


August 21, 2023
There are two main benefits of a pre-harvest application – perennial weed control and to assist with crop dry down. Glyphosate is registered in most crops and should be applied at a rate of 360 grams... 


July 17, 2023
We have begun to see economic levels of armyworms and grasshoppers in cereals. This is typical in warm, dry conditions like we are experiencing this season.

Overwinter cleaver

April 28, 2023
Spring has finally sprung! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and the weeds are growing 😉. In general, we have found that the field’s that had a pre-harvest application the previous fall have less weed pressure than those that did not...

April 24, 2023
There are many advantages to incorporating a fall/winter cereal into your crop rotation. These include high yields, less inputs potentially needed, a spread-out workload, and weed control. For those that...

Kangaroos Ahead!

AgLink Exchange
This fall, I had the opportunity to participate in an agronomy exchange program through AgLink Canada and AgLink Australia. I spent four weeks in rural Victoria and New South Wales touring around with local agros...

Season in Review

2022 Season in Review
This year started off with rain, rain and more rain resulting in a late seeding season. Pea acres were down due to this, with fear of root rot and a delayed harvest. Despite the challenges, the crop still all made it in the ground! 

Symptom of glyphoate

May 2, 2022
With prices 2.5x as high as they were last year and market uncertainty, it is as important as ever to use our glyphosate efficiently, both agronomically and for the pocketbook.
The addition of ammonium sulphate (AMS) is a cost-effective method...

Seed treatment

April 11, 2022
As seeding quickly approaches, now is the time to start thinking about seed treating. Seed treatments are fungicide based and help to protect crops in the early stages against seed and soil borne diseases...

Heat canker

November 27, 2021
Wow – what a year! The 2021 season brought many challenges, but among it successes as well. The season started off cool and dry, but a mid-May rain got crops off to a good start. Flea beetle pressure was high...

Wild oats

September 16, 2021
Combines are rolling, with majority of the wheat off and many working on canola! Yields are better than expected considering the moisture constraints growers faced this year...

June 15, 2021
Cereals are looking good, and sprayers are rolling! On average, 50% of wheat, 25% of barley and 20% of oats are sprayed. Cereal staging ranges, but on average wheat is around 5 leaf. The wheat seemed slow...

 Blackleg in canola

June 6, 2021
Seeding is almost wrapped up with lots of canola up and growing! Seeding depths varied, with many looking for moisture in the dry spring conditions. Thankfully, the rain we got at the end of May has helped with germination and stands are looking good...

Barley Thrip Damage

July 17, 2020
Last week, we began receiving reports from multiple farmers of bent over heads in their wheat fields. Who is the culprit? Barley thrips (Limothrips denticornis)! Although the name may be misleading, the adults can be found in other hosts including oats...


July 2, 2020
With the recent rains and warm temperatures, it’s time to start thinking about applying fungicide on your cereals! Fusarium head blight is a fungal disease with the potential for significant yield loss and grade reduction. Common in wheat...

Green Grass Bug Damage

June 29, 2020
A grower submitted the following photo of mysterious damage on his wheat crop… After consulting John Gavloski, an entomologist with Manitoba Agriculture, we concluded it was potential feeding from green grass bug. They overwinter as eggs...

Flea Beetle

June 16, 2020
For the most part, flea beetle pressure has started to wane in the area. This is due to a combination of reasons including the recent rains, advanced canola staging, and the ending of their life cycle (finally!). Flea beetles begin to lay their eggs late May...

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
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