The Prairie Giants Crop Report

Field observations at your fingertips

June 16, 2020

Taylor Kurtenbach

Welcome to the Prairie Giants Crop Report! We’ll be breaking down our observations from the field into a concise, semi-regular report.

Flea Beetle

Flea Beetles
For the most part, flea beetle pressure has started to wane in the area. This is due to a combination of reasons including the recent rains, advanced canola staging, and the ending of their life cycle (finally!). Flea beetles begin to lay their eggs late May and continue for a month. Once they lay their eggs, the adult flea beetles die. Here is an article from Canola Council, with an in-depth look at their life cycle:

Remember to remain vigilant by monitoring later seeded canola fields until they reach the 4-leaf stage.

We did notice some cutworm activity again this year; bugs like a dry spring! Although they can do damage in any crop, we only noticed it in the odd field of canola. The pressure was much less compared to the previous year. Cutworms are most likely to be active May to June during their larval stages until they pupate in late June. Another good article from Canola Council is:

Spring Wheat
Some early seeded wheat has reached growth stage 30-31. This tends to correlate with the 5 to 6-leaf stage. 

For those planning on using a plant growth regulator, such as Manipulator, this is the perfect time to apply. Manipulator inhibits gibberellin production, the plant hormone responsible for stem elongation, limiting plant height. The result is strengthened stalks, reduced lodging, and increased yield potential.

Before we know it, it will be time for fungicide!

If you would like to refresh your wheat staging skills, check this link out:

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