Peas ready to spray, top to bottom pods from one plant.
Peas ready to spray in the field.
Right is ready to spray, middle is about 3-4 days away, left is about 5-7 days away.
Check out the staging guide here.
One of the main benefits of applying glyphosate is the perennial weed control. Ideally the weeds should be green and actively growing, with dandelions at bloom or bud stage and Canada thistle at bud stage or beyond [1]. In dry conditions, weed control may not be as efficacious. This can be due to many factors including dust on the surface of the plants, thick plant cuticles, and/or stressed plants not wanting to take in chemical. Glyphosate should not be sprayed on wheat you plan on saving for seed, as it can affect germination.
Heat LQ (saflufenacil) is another option commonly used in pulses and roundup ready canola but is also registered in cereals. There are varying rates depending on the crop type, but the standard rate is 40 acres/case. Heat LQ must be tank mixed with glyphosate at 360 gr ai (1 REL). The staging is similar to glyphosate alone:
+ Wheat/Barley: 30% grain moisture (or less)
+ Canola: 80% SCC on main stem
+ Peas: 75% of pods brown and dried down, other 25% of pods green but seeds are firm
Check out the staging guide here.
Water volume is important when applying Heat LQ, the more the better! Minimum is 10 gallons per acre, but 15+ gallons is preferred.
Reglone Ion (diquat) is a true desiccant – this results in fast dry down, but no perennial weed control. It is ideal for true pod shatter canola varieties, and pulses. It is not registered in cereals. Reglone Ion is applied at 0.83 L / acre (12 acres/jug) and must be tank mixed with a non-ionic surfactant at a rate of 0.1% volume for volume (v/v). It is a contact product, so high water volume is essential. A minimum of 15 gallons per acre is required, but the more water applied the better the result.
+ Canola: 90% SCC on entire plant.
+ Peas: Bottom pods are dry, seeds within pods are detached. Top and middle pods are shrunken and leathery, seeds split when squeezed.
Diquat is activated by the sun, this means that it ideally needs to be applied in the evening to allow for plant uptake before it activates the next day.
Desica is a generic diquat product, with an application rate of 14.5 acres / jug and must be tank mixed with a non-ionic surfactant at 0.2% v/v.
Check out the staging guide here for canola, and here for best practices in pulses.
It is important to check with your grain buyers before applying a pre-harvest product. Need help staging? Reach out to one of Prairie Giants agronomists.