This year, we participated in WinField United’s “Soil Your Undies Challenge.” We buried four pairs of underwear in four different fields with slight differences in agronomic practices on June 1st after seeding was wrapped up. All fields were within the Inglis region and have similar soil types. The fields we chose to compare were:
+ Typical rotation (Wheat-Canola) VS. Diverse rotation (Canola-Peas-Wheat)
+ Zero-till VS. Tillage
The carbon in the cotton underwear is used to imitate the carbon from crop residues and allow us to visualize the microbial activity in the soil. After eight weeks, we “harvested” the underwear to note the differences in decomposition. The more decomposed the underwear, the more biological diversity, abundance, and activity there is in the soil. Check out the results in the photos below!
Diverse Rotation
Diverse Rotation
Typical Rotation
Typical Rotation
Zero Till
Zero Till